Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Backdate: 2 April 07: The New Trend...

...is stealing rolled up, clean pairs of socks. So my furry 'child' is causing the whole family shame as he appears to be breaking-and-entering (I've never known how to spell that, kinda like 'suppose') and taking clean washing. But it's only socks now!!

I have a terrible confession to make, Conan snuck under the covers this morning, after waking us at 3:30am and then 5:30am, and slept there until about 8am when we left. But thinking that he was around where the lump in the middle of the bed was, I carefully sat down and pulled a pair of socks on, when I felt something move beneath my bottom. Pulled the sheets back, and there was the wee boy with his front legs stretched out (it could've just been those!!) and the fur on his head looking very scruffy. and he did a low moaning meow that sounded like a big growl. I feel like the worst 'parent' ever!! however he was being his loony self by the time we left.

So here's the updated tally:
Socks from our washing: 3
Socks stolen from neighbours' washing: 16 (three extra pairs this week)
Beanies and gloves nicked from the builders: 4
Foreign cat-toys: 3
Tennis-ball sized kids cuddly toys he stole: 2
Curious George toys: 1

and jerseys, cardigans and men's underwear he's put big holes into: 7

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