Sunday, July 22, 2007

Backdate: 10 March 2007 - Socks, socks and more socks

We were out at a wedding rehearsal dinner last night (big day today for Rachel and Dave today!!) and get home to a giant thick white sports sock and a little cat toy, left on the front doorstep. I can't believe how regular this is getting though, as this morning I struggle down the stairs to put on my espresso maker (it's red, I love it!) and there is a pair and a half of lovely kids socks - the full pair sstill in a big roll!

I guess I'll have to do the walk of shame this morning to go to our neighbours' houses to see if anyone's going to claim the socks. Farrk, I hope none of them get angry!!
but we can't make ourselves angry at Conan - he curled up under the covers with us this morning under the covers just in all his softness and cuteness and quirkiness we can't stay mad! Actually I should clarify that - Conan did come under the covers but he proceeded to stretch out and push both of us to opposite sides of the bed. Ratbag.

So to date:
Socks from our washing: 3
Socks stolen from neighbours' washing: 10
Beanies and gloves nicked from the builders: 4
Foreign cat-toys: 3
Tennis-ball sized kids cuddly toys he stole: 2
Curious George toys: 1

If anyone has any advice I'm open. Not looking forward to the door-knocking walk of shame...

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